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23 Oct 2018

CyberSecurity Month: protect your business against data loss

The cyber attacks are widespread nowadays, but some companies do not report cyber attacks out of fear of bad publicity. Moreover, some are unaware the attacks have occurred until they need to pay to recover encrypted data. But there are also companies unsure of how to report them correctly.

There are some steps that you can follow to protect your company from data loss and cyber attacks.

Backup your data:

The best practices to prevent data loss or cyber attacks is doing regular data backups. That includes that your systems which should be continuously monitored and patched; checking for updates and new patches. Some others recommendations are that you encrypt your data and keep it only as long as you need it.

Increase your security:

Check your security providers, find a cybersecurity specialist.
Write your cybersecurity policy and enforce it.
Prepare an incident response plan, the data recovery plan.

Train your employees:

Improve your staff’s awareness and attitude toward security, and help your employees make the right decisions when they are faced with security threats.

Be aware of external access:

Protect your passwords with up-to-date best practice, check permissions and external access to your company data.

What should you do in case of a ransomware attack?

Stop the spread of infection by isolating the affected systems as quickly as possible. Apply your data recovery plan, follow the procedures. You should be able to identify which workstation(s) or server(s) are infected. Then you can restore your systems using protected, clean backups to restore lost data.

You can use Macrium Image Guardian to protect your data from Ransomware attack. Find out more here.

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