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14 Aug 2018

Creating a Technician’s USB Stick with Portable Application Support

The Macrium Technicians License is designed for IT technicians or service companies who might maintain a large number of PCs and may want to back them up before performing maintenance or repair work.

Without a Technician’s License, each time they back up a different PC they'd have to buy a new copy of Macrium Reflect. This is because the usual licensing arrangement is machine-specific. Using a Technicians License allows the technician to back up or image each PC using a single Macrium Reflect license.

Portable Application Support Explained

Portable application support ships exclusively with Macrium Reflect Technician’s Licenses. With it, you can use a portable application running on a bootable USB stick to create an image of any workstation or server. And it allows you to restore it quickly whenever necessary.

It also enables a single user to image multiple PCs. You can make Macrium Reflect run as a portable application from USB Rescue Media. Portable mode Reflect is very similar to the Macrium Reflect environment you're familiar with.

Creating a Workable Environment

The USB stick also acts like a bootable rescue environment. You can use this to back up and restore licensed PCs. It enables you to image and recover unlimited servers and workstations, providing the software isn't installed on more than one computer at a time.

Typically, a technician would use the portable application or its accompanying PE environment to image their target workstations. This means Reflect needs only to be installed on a single PC and the portable application media created.

How to Create a Technician’s USB Stick with Portable Application Support

  1. Create a rescue PE environment, as explained in our knowledge base article on creating rescue media.

  2. Select USB device as your target media and select a USB destination.

  3. Check to create a technician’s USB drive with portable application support.

  1. Click finish

Mission Accomplished

And that's it. You should now be the owner of a USB stick, featuring a portable app. This will be your key to creating an image of any workstation or server, which you can restore quickly when you need it most. All made possible using just a single Macrium Reflect license.

Find out more about the Macrium Reflect Technician's License by heading over to our dedicated web page.

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