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30 Mar 2022

Have you finished wrapping your Backup Day presents? Do you have all the Backup Day eggs hidden in the garden for the Backup Day hunt? Don’t you just look forward to all the Backup Day costumes and carols and desserts? 

All joking aside, World Backup Day is kind of an important holiday. According to a 2021 survey conducted by Backblaze, it’s certainly needed to get the word out. While the trend seems to be going in the right direction, they report that 25% of those asked only run a backup once a year, while another 20% never do! 

The cost of doing nothing - or doing next to nothing - could be everything…

As you can imagine, an entire day dedicated to data backup and recovery is also a big deal here at Macrium, so here’s a little more information about how it started.

March 31st as the day of observation was deliberate. Choosing a day just before April Fools, a holiday famous for mischief, drives the point home that one needs to protect against the unexpected.

“I’m thrilled with the response to World Backup Day, and I hope it’s made a difference in people’s lives,” said World Backup Day founder Ismail Jadun.  “We all know someone who has lost critical data, whether it was their videos, photos, music, book reports, or personal stuff. Hopefully this day will make everyone think about their situation, learn about the various options and get their files backed up. I hope that World Backup Day sparks conversations about the enormous task of saving our digital heritage for future generations.”

Maybe you’re confident you have a solid backup plan. You run regular backups, keep several copies in different places, and enjoy the sense of security that gives you. But… are you absolutely sure? 

You see, we encourage you to take your dedication to backup further and always verify your files are easily restored. After all, what’s the point in creating all these backups if they aren’t there for you in the darkest hour?

Luckily, Macrium viBoot makes the process simple.

If you’d like to learn more about how Macrium can help you, your business, or your organization make sure a data loss doesn’t mean a data disaster, get in touch! Our helpful conversation starter in the bottom right of your screen is a handy choice, or contact us in another way.

But before you go please join us in repeating the time-honored tradition of the World Backup Day pledge.

“I solemnly swear to backup my important documents and precious memories on March 31st.”

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