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8 Jun 2023

Introducing Macrium Site Manager 8.1

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve made a series of improvements to Macrium Site Manager. The latest version, Site Manager 8.1, will be available for you to use from Wednesday 14th June 2023. This update improves the user experience and includes integrations for seamless use alongside other products.

How do I Upgrade to Macrium Site Manager 8.1?

You’ll be able to update Site Manager from Wednesday 14th June 2023. When you log in, you’ll see a notice explaining some steps you need to take before doing so. Please note - The change is not automatic. You will need to actively opt into the update by clicking the button presented to you after login.

What’s New With Macrium Site Manager 8.1?

Here is a breakdown of the improvements we’ve made since version 8.0.

Speed Improvements

Macrium Site Manager 8.1 includes all Reflect 8.1 changes, including speed improvements.

Macrium Boot Media Agent

  • There’s now an automatic connection to the Macrium Site Manager server. This allows server-initiated restores and full monitoring and control of all rescue media-based operations.
  • You can now restrict access to rescue media to specific users or groups using the permission management systems in Macrium Site Manager, including full active directory integration.
  • Auto-repository mapping reduces time to manually restore backups using Macrium Site Manager rescue media. This removes the need for the user to manually map a repository and provide server paths, username and password (for logged-in users).

Macrium SiteDeploy Integration

  • Add license keys and start trials from the improved first-run wizard for both Macrium Site Manager and Macrium SiteDeploy.

Simplify Disaster Recovery

  • For disaster recovery from rescue media, computers can automatically be identified and backups for that computer can be listed directly in the Macrium Reflect restore interface, with no manual steps required.

Improved Interface

  • Improved computers page which gives you better visibility of repository usage and easier access to backups.
  • Improved intuitive rules for partition selection makes partition selection easier than ever.
  • The Macrium Site Manager initiated restore wizard has been updated to make the process of restoring a computer simpler and faster.

Post-Backup Power-Saving Options

  • Better management of out-of-hours backups, with added ability to shut down, reboot or suspend computers after backup completion. This is especially the case when combined with the existing Wake-on-Lan features in Site Manager. Find out more about the upgrades in Macrium Site Manager 8.1 in our video demonstration and access the release notes here.

We hope you enjoy exploring the benefits Site Manager 8.1 has to offer and encourage you to share your thoughts and feedback to assist with our continual improvement programme.

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