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Protect your data from rapidly evolving threats

A failure to plan...

Ransomware is one of the most familiar and insidious cybersecurity threats businesses face today. It can feel like the moment you understand today’s threats, attackers have developed a new way to target you - possibly even worming into the very backup files you’d use to recover from an attack!

One of the most powerful features of Reflect 8 is Macrium Image Guardian. Our software stops ransomware from targeting backup files, making data recovery a breeze. By granting write access only to Macrium-specific file types, it’s nearly impossible for any unauthorized modifications - like encryption by ransomware - to take place.

... is a plan to fail.

MIG and Reflect 8 are just a part of what we have to offer. Learn more about how Macrium can keep your data accessible and protected.

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Additionally, we proudly offer 30-day trials on nearly all our products - complete with customer support to ensure you make the most of your time.

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Macrium Image Guardian isn't resource intensive, so it won't compromise performance.


Provides a line of defence that even the newest ransomware strains will not breach.


Ensures data availability to minimize downtime and for rapid Disaster Recovery.

Not sure if Reflect is right for you?

Our sales team is always happy to discuss your unique needs and how we can work with you to find a solution.

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Macrium Software

Fast, reliable and scalable - our solutions protect
all your valuable digital assets.

Make backup a breeze with Macrium.